Oct 22, 2019

Halloween Candy: Just Say NO! 3 Great Ways to Stay on Track with Your Goals

Updated: Jul 10, 2020

With Halloween just around the corner, you might be worried about the temptation derailing you from achieving your goals. Between parties and trick or treating, cocktails, candy, and other high-calorie treats will be everywhere you turn. Don’t fret - we have just the thing to keep you on track with your goals.

1. Plan, Prepare & Persevere

Plan ahead for outings, i.e. meal prep and cook healthy foods so they are ready when you need them. Eat a protein-rich meal before heading out to any events that are sure to have candy, baked goods, and the like. This way you will be less likely to be tempted - and if you do indulge, it will be much less since you already had a solid meal to fill you up. Speaking of - if you do decide to partake, choose carefully. Don’t mindlessly eat what’s there, but be intentional and select only your favorite treat or two. Eat it mindfully, enjoy it, and then walk away from the snacks and treats. Distract yourself by socializing, chew mint gum, or just take a few deep breaths and remind yourself that the satisfaction from reaching your goals is far greater than the fleeting satisfaction of eating another piece of candy.

2. Maintain Healthy Habits

Even if you go a bit off the rails at one event, don’t use that as an excuse to completely throw in the towel. Get up the next day and resume your healthy habits: eating nourishing, whole foods and exercising. Be sure to manage stress and mindset, as these can be very powerful in keeping you on or off track. Cultivate a calm, focused, and positive lifestyle - inside and out.

3. Accountability & Support

This is where your favorite Altamonte Springs fitness program comes in; accountability is the cornerstone to the entire LunaFit program. This comes in the form of our Central Florida fitness coaches as well as your teammates; guidance, support, accountability, fitness knowledge, nutritional coaching, motivation, and fun — it’s all part of LunaFit program here. . Studies have found that people who work out with others put forth more effort and enjoy their workouts more. Accountability is the piece that pushes you, it gets you back on track when you stumble, and it is the key to the CONSISTENCY that leads to long-term RESULTS! It’s also just the thing you need to help you stay on track with your healthy and fitness journey all year round – even during the holidays.

Did you know that we offer a FREE week of classes in Altamonte Springs, Florida when you sign up for a free consultation! Stay on track with your goals this holiday season with LunaFit.

Altamonte Springs Group Fitness Classes

Located just minutes from Longwood, Casselberry, Winter Springs, Lake Mary, and Apopka! We also offer VIRTUAL options!